Manuals & Brochures in PDF Form
Most recent additions 5/21/18
After years of buying/selling/trading aviation material I decided I should capture some of it for posterity and to share with others. A large portion of my business has been selling items to be used in the restoration and operation of antique and vintage aircraft. I'm making these manuals available in PDF form and it's taken a large amount of time and money to acquire them and scan them into useful form. Therefore I'd appreciate it if those who purchase them not copy them. These manuals have been scanned at high resolution and are being copied on high quality Verbatim DVD's/CD's. There are many sites out there now selling reproduced manuals, when checking many of them I fail to see a date of publication, page count or much other detail about the manual. Please feel free to Email me with questions about any of the manuals I'm offering for sale as well as other items on my website. This will be the only page where I'll be selling anything other than original items.
Items are scanned 1/2 size.
1. Aviation Service & Maintenance by James G Thompson, this is probably the best single manual I've ever seen covering the operation of aircraft and engines of the "Golden Age", the 20's and 30's. It was printed during 1937 and contains 169 pages. Check out the variety of engines and aircraft here. $25
2. Collection of Early Aircraft Carburetor Manuals
This DVD will consist of the following Stromberg Carb. manuals: 1s Ed. 24pp., 2nd Ed. 43 pp., 3rd Ed. 56 pp and the 4th Ed. 59 pp. This manuals were printed ca. 1920, 1924, 1929 and 1932. Also inc. is the rare manual designed for Engine and Aircraft Manuafacturer's consisting of detailed specs. and foldout drawings. This manual is ca. 1930 and has 57 pp. There is also a 7 page instruction sheet on the NA-Y7A dated 1926 .Instruction's for NA-S5A & NA-S5B as well,6 pp.Added simila inst. for NA-6UT & UTB
Inst for NA-R5. -R5A, -R6, & R-6B 7 pp
Also are the following Zenith Manuals:
Mar. 16 Instruction Book, 32pp.
Bulletin # 1 Nov. 1917, 16 pp
Bulletin #2 Dec. 1917 Model L Inst. 8 pp.
Zenith #58DC as Used on 200 HP Hisso Feb. 1918, 16 pp $25
3. Early Curtiss Engine & Brochures & Manuals
3. Early Curtiss Engine Brochures & Manuals
This is an incredible collection of some very rare manuals & brochures relating to the famous Curtiss OX-5 and it's predecessors. Also included are information gleaned from other sources who operated these engines into the 30's
1908 Curtiss Motors 16 pp. Motorcycle, Airship & Aeroplane Engines $50 to $3000!
1909 Model L REIMS Racer engine photo
1909 Herring-Curtiss Broadside shows 25 hp 4-cyi and 50-60 hp V-8's
1911 Curtiss Motor Advance Brochure 8 pp.
1911 Curtiss Motor Brochure 4 pp.
1912 Curtiss Motors Brochure 4 pp.
1914 Curtiss Motors Brochure 4 pp.
1915 Curtiss Motors Brochure 11 pp.
Model O Parts List
Model O Parts List #2
Model O Photos
1917 OX-5 Assembly Photos from Curtiss Educational Album loaned to Cornell
1915 Curtiss Model OX Handbook 34 pp.
1915 Curtiss Motors Broc.
1916 Curtiss Model OX Handbok 20 pp.
1918 Curtiss Standard Model OX Aeronautical Motor Hand Book 41 pp with many drawings & foldouts
OX-OXX-OX2-OXX2 Parts Catalog 49pp w/great ill.
1917 Curtiss Standard Model OX Aeronautical Motor Parts List 59 pp.
Berling Magneto Spare Parts List (OX-5) Found Slipped in OX-5 Parts Book 8 pp.
The Curtiss Motor US Air Service Manual August 1919 32 pp.
Rev's for OX's by Leslie C Miller 29 pp Lot's of tips from 11 years barnstorming w/OX-5's
Miller Airplane Products 6pp plus 4 pp Instruction Sheet and 4 pp NB OX Cyl Broc.
The Eckles Valve Action Assy. Brocure about improved Valve Gear for OX-5 6 pp.
The Curtiss OX-5 Aeronautical Motor Sales Brochure 8 pp.
Curtiss Factory Inspection Manual on OX-5 1917, 26 pp.
Gen. Info. on the Inst. of Curtiss OX Motor in an Auto Nov 1921 Detail & Photos 11 pp
Tank Aero Engine OX-5 Conversion info Brochure 11pp inc. detailed photos
Richfield Oil Co. OX-5 Handbook 1929 32pp on operation
Hand Book and Repair Manuel (sp!) by Nicholas-Beazley 23 pp inc Miller Valve Gear
Berling Magnetos Types D-81, X2 & X4 (Used in OX-5) 16 pp
Capitol Marine Conversion photo
Capitol OX-5 Marine Conversion Brochure 4pp. The most well-known manufacturer of marine conversions, a beautiful example is on display at the G H Curtiss Museum in Hammondsport, NY.
Free Bottom Craft broc. (OX-5 powered airboat) 6 pp.
United Aircraft Engineering Corp. folder they evolved into Ericson Aircraft
Ericson Aircraft Ltd. 1925 Price List Ericson was involved in manufacture of JN-4C Canucks and one of the largest war surplus sellers of Jennies & OX-5's.
Curtiss Engine Info from Glenn Angle's Airplane Engine Encylopedia, 1921 24 pp.
Robertson Airplane Motors & Parts. All OX-5 Material, IPB, Millers Conversion Parts, Operating Tips, etc
ca. 1928-28 56 pp.
Successful New Model of Curtiss Engine 3pp. from Aeronautics (GB) June 1913 Details on new O-X Engine
Curtiss Engine Info from "Airplane Engine Encyclopedia" by Glenn Angle 1921 24pp
These manuals/brochures total over 400 pp on the Curtiss OX Type Engine $50
4. Early Curtiss Aircraft Brochures
1908 Curtiss Motors 16 pp. Motorcycle, Airship & Aeroplane Engines $50 to $3000!
1909 Herring-Curtiss Ad. 1st Airplane Ad. Printed in a Magazine (copied from "Fructuous Years, the Advs. & News of Aviation pub. in Literary Digest)
1909 Herring-Curtiss Aeroplanes 1st Broc. (scanned from copy)
1909 Herring-Curtiss Aeroplanes 2nd Broc.
1909 Dayton's of Minneapolis handbill re: Herring-Curtiss Airplane Display from
Nov. '09 This Co. had his 8 cyl Motorcycle on display at the same time!
1911 A Word From The Wise 8 pp. Testimonial from famous users of Curtiss Engines
1911 Curtiss Motor Advance Brochure 8 pp.
1911 Curtiss Motor Brochure 4 pp.
1911 Curtiss Schools of Aviation Brochure 15 pp Great Ill & Newspaper Clippings San Diego &
Hammondsport Schools covere4d w/Enrollment Blank
1912 Curtiss Airplane Catalog 29 pp.
1912 Curtiss Motor Brochure 4 pp.
1912 North Island Flying School Brochure 4 pp.
1913 Curtiss Flying Boat Catalog 23 pp.
1915 Curtiss Flying Boat Catalog 22 pp.
1915 Military Tractor Catalog 14 pp.
1916 Curtiss Training Camps Brochure 10 pp.
1916 Curtiss Specs 12 pp in Drawing List for various & Wing Assy. Dwg. Index
1919 Curtiss JN Trade Card (scanned from what I believe to be a copy)
1919 FLY! Curtiss Flying Schools Broc.
1920's Curtiss Flying Schools Broc.
1922 Curtiss Brochure w/JN, Oriole, Seagull & Standard J-1 w/OX-5 or C-6 & C-6 & OX-5 Motors
This group of brochures, some exceedingly scarce, provide a detailed view of Curtiss' progress in aviation development from 1908-1915. $30
5.Hall-Scott Manuals & Brochure
1912 Hall-Scott Catalog A-1, -2 &-3 Engines Superb early catalog w/ill & detail of many
of the flyers using these engines 32 pp
Type A-5a "Big Six" Care & Operation 50 pp.
Type A-7a "Big Four" Care & Operation 44 pp.
Type A-7a Supplementary Instruction Book 20 pp
Type L-4 & L-6 Care & Operation 49 pp
Type L-4 Brochure 12 p.
Type A-5a Brochure 16pp
Hall-Scott Installations Brochure This is a letter from Hall-Scott with 9 sheets on
H-S Installations in various aircraft. Some are incredibly rare! They are:
Standard J-1, Martin B, Dayton-Wright RB Racer, Jacuzzi 7 Passenger Monoplane!, Fokker D-VII,
JN-4C, Stephenson Hawk Twin and Curtiss Oriole $30
6.Early Aircraft Ignition Info
1911 MEA Magneto Brochure Early Mag. Used by Wright Bros., etc. 16 pp.
Eisemann Mag Data Sheets, Dwings., Mag Switches, etc. 42 pp.
Berling Magneto's 16 pp.
OX-5 Berling Mag. Parts 8 pp
Bosch Magneto & Spark Plug Sales Brochure 20 pp
1928 Bosch Catalog Acft & Auto Mags, switches, gens, wipers, hons, etc 12 panels
Robert Bosch Magnetos for Acft Engines GF models 16 pp.
1917 Dixie (Splitdorf) Installation, Car & Maint. Manual 24 pp.
1917 Dixie (Splitdorf) 8 cyl Mags. Type 83,84,85,86 & 88 16 pp.
1917 Dixie (Splitdorf) 4 cyl Mags. Auto & Aero 16 pp.
Dixie Mag Notes inc. Carb info 8 pp.
Splitdorf Magneto's 1924 28 pp.
1915 Scintilla Manual AM8, AG8, AG9 & AG12 23 pp
1923 Scintilla High Tension Magnetos 1-12 cyl 48 pp
Scintilla MN 7-D & 8-D Instructions
1928 Scintilla Magneto Brochure 32 pp. Shows mags installed on 18 engines inc. 3 Packards,
Floco, Pitcairn-Brewer, some very rare engines!
Early Magneto Info $25
Curtiss "Falcon" Handbook of Instructions Covers O-1B, O-1C, O-11, A-3, XA-4 & XO-12.Contains 75
pp, Dated May 1, 1928 Garden City, NY
Curtiss "Falcon" Illustrated Parts Book Covers 0-1B, 0-11 & A-3 Published By the US Army Air Corps at Wright Field Feb. 1930. Incredible Illustrations 353 pp. $25
8. Curtiss Hawk Brochure & Handbook of Instructions
1930 Curtiss Hawk Brochure 8 pp.
Curtiss Hawk Handbook 23 pp.
Curtiss Hawk Brochure & Handbook $25
Curtiss C-6 Handbook inc. IPB Dated 1920 32 pp.
Curtiss D-12 Manual 1923 86 pp
Curtiss D-12 Handbook Last edition Inc., D-12, D-12M, D-12C, D-12E, D-12F incs. Scintilla AG-12D & Splitdorf S & SS Mag and Stromberg NA-Y5D & NA-5Y Carb Manuals prob. 200 pp plus foldouts
Curtiss K-12 Brochure 8 pp.
Curtiss K-6 Brochure 4 pp. $25
10. Lawrance & early Wright Manuals, etc.
1919 Lawrance L-2 17 pp.
1922 Lawrence L-4 26 pp.
Wright Gale (Lawrance) L-4 Instruction Book 23 pp.
1922 Lawrence J1 Folder & Letters 6 pp.
1924 Wright J-4 Instruction Book 45 pp.
Lawrance & early Wright Manuals, etc. $25
11. Hispano-Suiza & Wright Liquid Cooled Manuals
1918 Model H Hispano Suiza Manual 68 pp.
1921 Wright Hisso Manual, Covers all models of US Made Engines A,E,H & I Arguably the best Hisso Manual available on American built engines. 90 pp.
1920 The Hispano-Suiza Motor, US Air Service Manual 58 pp.
1920 Hispano-Suiza Model H IPB US Air Service 8 pp. Poor Copy but good info!
Wright Aviation Engines T-2 & T-3, E-3 & E-4 (Hisso) 128 pp. 1924
Wright Tornado T3A & T3B
Instructions for Installation, Inspection & Maintenance 222pp. 1927
Includes Aeromarine Inertia Starter, Scintilla AG-12D Magneto & Stromberg NA-UT6 & UT6B
11. Hisso & Wright manuals $40
Elbridge Aero Catalogs/Brochures
1910 Elbridge Catalog 26 pp ill. their full line of Marine & Aero Engines w/Specs & Price List
1911 Elbridge Catalog 26 pp Aero Engines only & Orig. Envelope
American Amateur Aviation 20 pp. Not really a catalog but a history of Amateur aviators in 1909-10. Probably one of the most interesting pieces of printed ephemera I've ever seen on pre WW-I aviation. It pictures many fliers and their machines and decribes the flights and locations. In many cases it tells what designs they were using. Curtiss,Demoiselle,Farman,etc. It's full of descriptions of the more important air meet of 1910 and very well illustrated. This and many of the other pdf's I've listed are searchable and this one, in particular, a great reference.
12. Elbridge Catalogs & Brochure $25
13. Early Aviation Engine Brochures
1912 Daimler Aero Engine Brochure 22 pp. List of Daimler engine istallation dating from the early 1890's!
Ill. of of LTA aircraft.
Goblin Rotary Aero Motor Brochure 6 pp. Supposedly produced by the Boston Aero Co. in 3,6 & 12 cyl. versions. The 3 & 6 cyl. were also listed in "Special 2 cycle) versions producing 2x as much power (50 & 100 hp.)as the reg. 25 & 50 hp. versions. They also built airplanes, at least 3, one is at Old Rhinbeck.
1912 Frontier Aero Motors 4 pp.Rare V-8 from Buffalo, NY
Aeromarine Typ B Engine Brochure 16 pp. Lots of ill. of this post WWII V-8
The Indian Aero Motor 13 pp. This motor was used by Earle Ovington in his USA license-built Bleriot in Sept.1911
has great detailed illustrations.
The Indian Rotary Aero Motor 2pp. adv sheet
The Indian Aero Motor 2pp adv sheet This is the only item I've ever seen in print for this V-8 engine.
1911 Kirkham Aviation Motors 12 pp. 4 & 6 cyl motors Also 1911 Letter from Kirkham
ca. 1912 Maximotor Catalog 16 pp.
1912 Fox Motor Brochure
1913 Maximotor Catalog 11 pp. 4 & 6 cyl. Engines & Letter to Louis Bergdoll
1910 Rinek Aviation Engines Catalog 11 pp.60 hp V-8 & 30 hp 4 cyl. There's a V-8 at Rhinebeck.
1912 Sturtevant Engines Flyer 8 pp. great ill. in Burgess-Wright
1912 Roberts Aviation Motors 37pp. A great reference, very well illustrated.
1913 Roberts Model 6-X broc. 8 pp.
1914 Sloane Motor Catalog 8 pp. Anzani, Gnome, Austro-Daimler, Le Rhone. Also shows Sloane Military Scout airplane.
1912 Welles & Adams Motors Catalog 20 pp. 4 cyl Come to the http:/ and see one
as well as a Sturtevant and many other rare & early engines.
Fredrickson Motor Brochure
This is an incredible reference to pre WWI aviation engines.
13. Early Aviation Engine Brochures $35
14. Warner Engine Manuals
1929 Warner Scarab Aircraft Engine Handbook 95 pp. inc Parts List, MN-7-D & MN-8D Mag Inst./Parts List
& Stromberg NA-S5A & NA-S5B Carb. Instructions
1933 Warner Scarab Price List & Parts Catalog covers Scarac '28 & '40, Scarab Junior & Super-Scarab
1935 Warner Super Scarab, Scarab & Scarab Jr. Handbook 41 pp.
14. Warner Engine Manuals $25
Also included are a bunch of brochures, etc.
15. Continental R-670 Manuals
1935 Continental R-670 Handbook 88 pp. w/parts list
1936 Continental R-670 Operating Inst. 9 pp.
Sheet covering conversion to Sodium Cooled Valves
15. Continental R-670 Manuals $20
Republic Seabee Manuals
Seabee Owner's Manual 1946 57pp
Seabee Parts Catalog 1946 50 pp well illustrated
16. Republic Seabee Manuals $20
Wright Tornado T3A & T3B Manual
17. Kinner Aircraft Engine Manuals
Kinner B-5 Inst. for Care & Maint. Manual 57 pp.
Kinner K-5 Inst for Care & Maint. Manual (Revised) 58 pp.
Kinner K-5 Lubrication Instruction 20 pp
Kinner K-2, & Airster Airplane info folder
Kinner Engine Sales Brochure 20 pp
17. Kinner Info $30
18. FORD ALL METAL MONOPLANE Book of Instructions 107 pp. 1929 The copy I scanned was issued to Capt. A H Page, a famous USMC pilot killed during the 1930 Nat. Air Races. Great illustrations.
FORD Tri-Motor Airplane Parts Price List Feb. 1932, Covers 4AT sn 1-70 & 5AT sn 1-96. A list of parts & prices. 75 pp. $20
19. Propeller Info
Air Propellers, Inc. 4pp. folder from this early Hagerstown,MD propeller co. w/price list ca.1930
1929 Dicks Hollow Steel Propeller Co. folder 4 pp
1930 Gardner Propeller Flyer Al Wilson endorsement, killed next year at NAR if freak
accident when his Curtiss Pusher collided w/Johnny Miller's Autogiro!
Hamilton Aero Mfg. Brochure Discusses beginnings of Co. in Seattle and lists props. w/prices ranging from $35-114.
Hamilton Props. & Floats Ltr/Brochure dated 6/28 Pros Priced $55-148 Nice Ill.
Hamilton Propellers 1929 16 pp w/great ill.
Standard Steel Propeller Co. 24 pp w/ill. showing parts numbers, discusses care & balancing. Plus 2 pp Price List w/hub & blade P/N's. Dated June 15th, 1929
Hamilton-Standard Announcement Dated Nov. 18,1929 states existing price list from Stan June '29 still in effect.
Hamilton-Standard Adjustable Propellers, Light Weight Models for Sport Planes Jr. & Sr. Models
$175 & $225
Hamillton-Standard 1930 Broc w/Prices 8 pp with Complete Prop Prices & Blades & Hubs Price & Specs.
Jacuzzi Brothers "Aerial Age" magazine proof sheet & Business Card
1918 Jacuzzi Brothers "Airplane Propellers" catalog 36 pp. A fabulous pre-Jacuzzi Hot Tub
treatise on props w/photos & specs.
Jacuzzi Brothers folder
Kontrol-Pitch Propeller folder (Airplane Appliances Corp., LA, CA)
1934 Lycoming-Smith Controllable prop Brochure Model #'s & Specs. 8 pp
Paragon Propeller photos
1923 Propeller Hub Specs. from McCook Field I believe.
Prop info 2 shts early 20's
Prop info 2 sht slightly more recent than above I believe
1927 War Department TO 1-1-13 General- Propellers considered best for airplanes.W/list of airplanes on reverse w/Eng HP Preferred Prop #, Substitute #, blades, RPM on Ground & Flying, RH or LH, Tracor/Pusher, Dia. Pitch/Blade setting They recommended micarta for DH-4 in Foreign Service
There are many more files I've added since i up=dated this website, over 80 in total.
20. Packard Engines Brochures
1917 Packard Aircraft Engine describes Twin-Six 200 HP engine dated 1/17 8 pp.
The Real Story of the Liberty Motor Photographic history of Liberty designa as well as other Packard
Engine info Printed Jan. 1919 32 pp
Aviation in Peace Time Covers 3 engines and Packard's airplane 14 pp
Packard Aircraft Engine
Packard Aircraft Engines 20 pp covers various engines 1927
Packard on the Water 21 pp w/price list Various 6,8 & 12 cyl Marine Engines
Packard V-1650 Trouble Shooting Tips 94 pp on this famous WWII engine $25
21. 30's Curtiss Designs
Curtiss Design 75 Design Prospectus Covers various engine/prop combos 14 pp
Curtiss Hawk 75 Pursuit Airplane Brochure Great photos w/armaments etc. 33 pp.
Curtiss Wright CA-1 Courtney CA-1 Amphibion Broc. 9 pp. $25
22. Misc. WWI ERA Engine Manuals & Info
ANZANI 6 & 10 Cyl. Description & Instructions 32pp Printed in French Apr 1917
CLERGET-BLIN Type 9B 130 HP Inst. for Mounting & Op. 24pp Printed by Naval Acft. Fact. Aug 1918
Le RHONE Type C 80 HP & Type J 110 HP Instructions 30 pp Naval Acft Fact.
New Types of Foreign Motors US Air Service #946 Mercedes, Napier Lion, RR Eagle, Salmson pzM, Siemens-Halske, FIAT & Maybach 300 HP. 48 pp
New Types of American Motors Prtd by US Air Service #945 20 pp Desc. , Data & Illustrations on the following engines:
Curtiss K-6 & 12, Duesenberg Model H, King-Bugatti, Knox Twelve, Lawrence 60 HP & Union 6 cyl $25
Russian Manual for License Built Salmson P9 150 HP & M9 140 HP Water Cooled Radial Engine 24 pp 1916
USN Pensacola Training Ctr. Notes w/detailed dwings on Curtiss OXX2-3, Hall-Scott A-5, Sturtevant & Thomas Model 8 Covers Dixie Mag & Zenith Carb as well . Starting procedure Curtiss N-9 & Liberty as well. 33 pp
"Engines at the Aeronautic Exposition" from "The Gas Engine" Vol XIX # 3 Mar. 1917 7 pp
interesting overview of the aero engines available at the time. w/ill.
22. Misc. WWI ERA Engine Manuals & Info $30